Field trip #2 for TC XC. Thanks to The Gathering Grounds for letting us run around their beautiful property.
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
TC cross country at the gathering grounds
Oops! We are aware that an email was sent about bus transportation that did not include the attachment. We will get that out tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Almost kickoff time at TC!! Let's go, Big Blue!!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Saber football
TC Varsity volleyball scrimmage at Eddyville today. Lookin' good, ladies!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
varsity volleyball scrimmage
TC football for tonight is postponed until tomorrow at 5:30.
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Tonight's foitball game is delayed. stay tuned.
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Check out our new concession stand! The Athletic Boosters are working hard to get it ready. Coach Parker is the first sale!!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
new restrooms
thanks for your business coach!
nice signs!
hard working ladies inside
Football Friday Night! TC vs. Murray at home tonight at 7:00. Come out and cheer on the Sabers!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
The cheerleaders are asking that tomorrow nights' home game against Murray everyone to wear their NEON colors. The rest of the game's dress up dates are listed below.
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Football games dress up themes for 2022-23.  August 19 - Neon (Glow sticks for sale) 50¢ each.  September 2 - Red, White, Blue.  September 16 - Blue 'N White (HOMECOMING).  September 30 - Jersey Wear.  October 7 - Pink Out.
Please bring in your school supplies during Meet the Teacher…..especially Kindergarten students. ☺️
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Meet the Teacher is Thursday night from 5:30-6:30. Snobiz will be here. Take your picture by our Welcome Back sign!
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Welcome Back!
Twin Cedars has an immediate opening for a Custodian in our elementary building. This position is for evenings, Monday-Friday. If you have any questions or are interested in applying please contact Michael Lenger @, or call (641) 944-5241 x288
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Friday night lights at TC for the annual Gatorade scrimmage. Join the Sabers at home next Friday for the week 0 season opener vs. Murray at 7:00.
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
I had a great group of Student Council members paint on the upper playground last week. It was a hot day....and they did fabulous. We will be adding some templates to the lower playground too!
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Student Council
More Student Council....
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Student Council
Student Council
Student Council
Student Council
REMINDER!! Chromebooks may be picked up for students in grades 8-12 at the High School Today until 6. If you didn’t turn in a charger at the end of last school year and you have one, bring it along, or $20 for a replacement. Same with a case, bring it or $25. . 7th Grade will pick theirs up at orientation. Anyone not able to pick theirs up will get it the first day of school.
over 2 years ago, Tom Renaud
**Today is the last day to reserve your bag** Union Liberty Church will provide "fully loaded" backpacks for TC students again this year. Call Connie Stout 641-780-3522 with student name and grade. They will be delivered to the school for Meet the Teacher night
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Events this week: 8/10- 6:00 pm Softball banquet in high school cafeteria- everyone welcome! 8/12- 4:00 pm football parent meeting. 5:00 pm Gatorade scrimmage. Bring Gatorade to get in. Saber sports are back in swing!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
We are also looking for an elementary K-6 special education teacher. Contact Kim or 641-944-5245.
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Twin Cedars is growing! We have an opening for an additional Kindergarten teacher to begin on August 18. Contact Kim Roby if you are interested. or 641-944-5245
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby