Our school has some very talented students! Wanted to "showcase" this 5th grader's drawing he did outside of Art Class.

Play-Doh was a BIG hit in 1st Grade Art today! Students made umbrellas, flowers, volcanoes, pizza and cookies!

Twin Cedars will dismiss at 2:00 PM today due to the incoming weather. We are expecting winds upwards of 80 MPH at 4:00 PM when our buses would normally be on the road. We want our buses off the road before the storm get here.

During Family Group time at the Elementary the focus is "serving our community". Mrs. Goemaat's group, the TC Minions, wanted to show their appreciation for our transportation department. Thank you to the ones that were able to make it and thank you to all of our transportation people for all you do!

3rd Grade TCATS had the opportunity to spend some time in the high school Science lab with Mrs. Sorenson and students learning a few things about dry ice. When we were walking back to the Elementary one students said, “I can’t wait to be in High School Science!”. Mrs. Goemaat

Grades 2, 3 and 6 should have come home with consent forms for I-Smile services available. Consents are due back to the school by March 25th, even if they decline services we would like them to return the consents marked “no”. Blank consents are available if they need another sent home.

The weather is warming up, the camping/campfire season is just around the corner and Iowa has some GREAT places to camp or do a day trip! 3rd Grade TCATS completed a "Let's Go Camping" Exploration and then researched some places in Iowa for camping or a day trips.

3rd Grade TCATS read a story titled "Chew on These Bubblegum Facts". After reading the story they made their own gum. The flavors were orange, watermelon and plain. The TCATS thought it all tasted pretty good!

3rd Grade TCATS had the opportunity to make the pancakes we enjoyed in 3rd Grade Art-Sunday Pancakes.

3rd Grade Art Project: Sunday Pancakes. Students listened to the story Sunday Pancakes by Maya Tatsukawa. When the project was finished 3rd graders enjoyed pancakes made by the 3rd Grade TCATS.

6th Grade TAG (The Pickle Trio) had the opportunity to learn about and dissect Dogfish sharks.

If you are showing at the Marion or Monroe County Fairs, please see the attached flyers for upcoming dates for showing!

Twin Cedars FFA is hosting a blood drive THIS FRIDAY from 9-1! If you would like to donate, please message Mrs. Moody/an FFA Officer or use the attached link!

Twin Cedars Families:
Due to last week's snowstorm, we have added another make-up day. Twin Cedars Schools will now hold classes on Monday, March 17.
School Make-Up Dates (all Mondays): March 17, March 31, April 14, April 28, May 5 and May 12.

Updated Weekly Events

After a few weather bumps along the way the "kinders" reached the 100th day of Kindergarten! The day was one to remember with lots of fun ways to celebrate that magical number 100!😀

Tonight, our 5th and 6th grade students demonstrated their love for their cherished teacher, Mrs. McCarty, by organizing a special fundraiser for the McCarty family. It was a beautiful example of a small town coming together in support and care for one another. A heartfelt thank you to all who joined in fun and games. 💜

Seniors are still selling garbage bags! Contact a senior or lgangel@twincedarscsd.org to get yours today!

Twin Cedars Elementary School is looking for a substitute associate from March 10th-21st. If you are interested please reach out dgeetings@twincedarscsd.org.

Twin Cedars CSD is looking for a 6th Grade Teacher for the 25/26 school year! If you are interested please reach out to dgeetings@twincedarscsd.org. We are on a 4-day school week (Tuesday-Friday), with 1 mandatory PD Monday a month. Come join a great staff and community.