The free tests available will be ending on Sept 2nd due to lack of congressional funding, if there is staff or parents that want to order free test here is the link for those.
Getting ready for the first Jr. High Cross Country meet tonight in Albia.
Today is the Saber Screamer's clinic. 1-4:30 at the high school.
Two TC teachers participated in the "Your Life Matters 5K" to raise money and promote awareness for suicide prevention. Always remember that we are here for you and every Saber matters to us!
Tonight TC will travel to Thornburg to take on the Tri-County Trojans. Kick-off will be at 7:00pm. Let's go Sabers!
We are starting a new tradition this year in the Jr/Sr High Building!
Jr. High Student of the Week - Nate Shobe
High School Student of the Week - Keaton Van Klootwyk
Support Staff of the Week - Nurse Erin
Teacher of the Week - Mrs. McNally
The new junior-senior high staff members are excited after spending their first week at TC!
Large group: Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Naylor, Nurse Erin, Dottie Vanderhyde, Mrs. Cedar and Mr. Bacus.
Individual Ms. Fox with Mr. Roby.
Small Group: Ms. Fox and Mr. Roby give a thumbs up to the first week!
3rd Grade were engineers in library today as they created a zip line for Pigeon to get to school.
Chase Rozenboom exhibited two heifers at the Southern Iowa fair with the following results:
Grand Champion Angus
Grand Champion Maintainer
Overall Supreme Female
3rd Overall Female
He also qualified to show at the South Central Iowa showdown which is also pictured.
First cross country meet of the season is in the books. Rylee Dunkin takes 2nd, Cheyanne Bruns takes 7th. Solid finish to build from for Jayden and Annabelle!
First fire drill of the year! Running can cause wipe outs, single file and calm is the way to go! High school once AGAIN dominates the elementary by 15 seconds.
Our three first year chicken exhibitors did extremely well at the Marion County Fair Poultry Show!
Morgan - 2 Blue ribbons
Levi - 4 Blue ribbons, Grand Champion Mixed Breed Chicken
Summer - 2 Blue ribbons, Grand and Reserve Champion, Grand Champion Poultry
Homecoming clothing is on SALE!!!! Go to to order yours today!
Orders are due by August 31st. No late orders will be accepted.
What a great way to start the season for Saber Volleyball with wins over Martensdale-St Mary’s and East Union! Next games the Sabers play at Seymour on September 6th, play versus Moravia on September 8th and host a tournament on September 10! Congratulations Saber Volleyball!
Congratulations to Twin Cedars Volleyball for their win over Marentsdale-St. Marys last night. Looking forward to tonights game at East Union.
We are so happy to see your faces! 7-12 students pulled into the parking lot to see their faces and the faces of the staff. They were also treated to music and a smoke machine at the entrance. Here's to a great start to a great year!
Last first day senior sunrise cross country photo. Have a great first day of school, Sabers!
Three of our FFA members participated in the Marion County Fair goat show. Jordyn Weldon placed 2nd in her Breeding Doe Class.
Carson Kelderman placed 5th and 6th in his Market Goat Class.
Tyler Bailey placed 6th in his Market Goat Class.
The TC School dismissal times this week:
Tuesday 1:15
Wednesday 2:15
Thursday and Friday 3:15
TC Athletic events for the first week of school
8/22 6:00-JV/V VB @ MstM
8/23 5:30- JV/V VB @ East Union
8/25 4:30- Varsity XC @ Collins-Maxwell
8/26 7:00- Varsity FB @ Tri- County