TC Covid policies have changed. Students may return to school after 5 days from the onset of symptoms if they are fever free for 24 hours and symptoms are improved. Must wear a mask days 6-10. If they do not wear a mask they can come back to school on day 11.
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
Thanks for the new office artwork, Kahrynn Wooldridge!
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
TC Elementary is looking for an associate to begin March 1. This person would split time between the elementary library and a student that needs one-on-one support. $10 per hour. No benefits. Contact Kim Roby. 641-944-5245 or
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
Girls advance to Conference Championship with a win over Diagonal 45-43. See everyone tomorrow at 3:30 at ACA!
about 3 years ago, Dave Roby
Kindergarten 100th Day of School shenanigans!
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
Balloon Pop
Popping balloons
Having fun in the gym!
about 3 years ago, Dave Roby
having fun in the gym
Lunch buddies forever!
about 3 years ago, Dave Roby
lunch buddies forever
Leo Freel and Abi Milledge rocking out practicing their trumpets!
about 3 years ago, Dave Roby
Leo Freel and Abbi Millage rocking it out in band class!
Great game versus Moulton-Udell last night! Students showed a lot of spirit with their U.S.A. theme!
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
USA Night
Congrats Rachael Stoops, Micah Smith, Angel Bingham, Morgan Bolkema, Connor Bolton and Erica Elliot on their speech performances! Readers Theater and Improv qualified for State!
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
Speech Participants
Speech Participants
Speech Participants
No AM preschool. Teacher in-service is cancelled. School will dismiss at normal time.
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
Twin Cedars will have a 2 hour delay on Wednesday.
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
With cold weather and indoor recess, we have tried a few new things. Today we finished up a "dot" tournament. Matthew Evans was the champion and the runner-up was Layla McCarty. It was a hard fought game, taking approximately 45 minutes to complete. Prizes were awarded! :D
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
Layla and Matt
Twin Cedars will have a 2 hour delay Friday morning. No AM preschool.
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
The Twin Cedars School District has vacancies for the following position: Varsity, Boys' Track, JH Boys' Track, Assistant Varsity Softball, JH Softball, JH Baseball, Cheerleading, Dance Team. Email Scott Bridges at if interested.
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
Twin Cedars will have a 2 hour delay Thursday morning. Stay warm!
about 3 years ago, Scott Bridges
Tonight's basketball games at Ankeny Christian will now be played tomorrow (January 15th) at 3:30 pm.
about 3 years ago, Brad Hammann
On Friday, January 21, the Twin Cedars Athletic Boosters and the Twin Cedars Basketball Teams will be hosting a free-will offering meal, a silent auction, and additional fund-raising activities to support the American Cancer Society. The soup supper will begin at 5:00 and end when the soup and goodies are gone. The silent auction will finish up at the end of the boy's half-time. Tip-off time for the girl's game is 6:00. Two Twin Cedars students will also be honored during the evening. Josh Luckey is a Kindergarten student. Josh battled Ewing Sarcoma and WON in 2021! David Weeks is a 9th grader. David was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2016. David is also CANCER FREE! Come out and support these two TC students, support cancer research and enjoy some Saber Basketball!!
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
Josh and David
A little Fun Friday action.....Bingo with prizes! Bonus.....early out!
about 3 years ago, Kim Roby
Calling Numbers