Students in grades 5th-9th had an assembly focusing on financial literacy on Wednesday.
Thanks to the HS shop class, we have new benches on the elementary playground!
4th-6th grade students enjoy drama club during Thursday recess.
The Twin Cedars school district has an opening for a part-time custodian, up to 30 hours per week. If you are interested please contact Scott Bridges at
Today is World Down Syndrome Day!
8th Grade Careers Learning to Buy and Sell Stock in Their Corporations
Tyler Bailey and Jamie Foster operate the robot they built in TAG.
Good morning! Looks like a beautiful Tuesday! I wanted to send out a quick reminder about parking lot safety at our elementary building. Drop-off/pick-up students need to be brought to the curb along the elementary building. We don't want any elementary students walking through our busy parking lot. Also, please stay in a single file line when dropping/picking-up your children. You may have to wait, but that ensures everyone's safety.
Nate received honorable mentionable all-conference in wrestling with 27 wins, 12 losses , and 15 pins.
Great Job Nate.....can't wait for next season!
State Speech was this week! Good job, Micah, Rachael and Mrs. Hays!
The Twin Cedars Community School District is taking applications for a Head Maintenance and Facilities Director. If you are interested, please contact Scott Bridges at
Reminder: Twin Cedars dismisses early on Wednesday. 12:15 for JH/HS and 12:30 for elementary.
The SIAC meeting scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00.
Twin Cedars is closed today. Stay safe.
Twin Cedars is delayed 2 hours. No AM preschool. Boys BB will not leave for the state tournament until 10AM.
Karter Schippers (3rd place) and Ayden Brees (7th place) were at AAU Super Peewee State Wrestling today! Great job, TC Kindergarteners!
Saber King....... Dallas Clark
Saber Queen........ Brooke Roby
8th Grade Physical Science Making Circuits
Bluegrass Conference Math Wizards!
Holden Roberts
Kaden Kloster
Katra Sterner
Joanna Geremesz
Chris Foster
Micah Smith
Holden Roberts placed 3rd in Algebra I
Katra Sterner placed 2nd in Algebra II
Chris Foster placed 3rd in Math IV/PreCalc
Here are our Twin Cedars Jr/Sr "Student of the Month" recipients for February.
7th - Brandon Puyear
8th - Ethaniel Nelson
9th - Ami Mockenhaupt
10th - Amelia Bolton
11th - Cullen Weeks
12th - Kali Foster
Congratulations to you all!