Picture day is tomorrow for the elementary building! If you want to order your child's pictures, the event code is on the attached flier!
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Picture Day
Just a few pictures from Adam Sandler Day last week during homecoming dress up days.
over 2 years ago, Dave Roby
Adam Sandler Day
Staff Adam Sandlers
Lunch change: Today we are having hot dog w/bun, broccoli w/cheese, fresh carrots & strawberries. HS 2nd option: chicken strips w/animal crackers. Tuesday menu: Chili w/cheese cup, fresh carrots, cinnamon roll & pears. HS 2nd option: Crispito w/cheese stick & graham crackers. Wednesday menu: Elem: Cereal bowl w/sausage patty, HS: BEC or Burrito bowl w/breadstick. Cottage cheese, hash brown, cucumbers & juice cup
over 2 years ago, Brandy Dunkin
On September 20th, 20 students participated in a variety of contests at the South Central District CDE Day competition. Top finishes include: Olin Johnston 12 out of 45 in general FFA knowledge, Morgan Bolkema 51 out of 379 in livestock judging, and Rylee Dunkin 57 out of 174 in soil judging! Way to go kids!
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars FFA
Sleepy students on the way back from CDE Day
Reed and Jud after CDE Day
20 students participated in the 2022 SC CDE Day
While students are on vacation, our teachers and principals are busy learning during the PLC at Work Institute in Des Moines. Continued learning is vital to providing the best education possible for our students!
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars FFA
Taking notes during keynote
Group Discussion to recap the day
High School Staff
Starting at 4:00, TC Jr. high volleyball plays Moravia. Come eat some yummy popcorn and watch the girls play!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Jr high volleyball
Congratulations to the 2022 Twin Cedars Homecoming King and Queen: Aiden Hare and Rylee Dunkin!
over 2 years ago, Dave Roby
Homecoming King & Queen
King crowning
Queen crowning
Homecoming court at dance
Just a reminder to parents that the flu shot consent forms are due Sept. 27th. These were emailed out last week. If you want a hard copy sent home with your child(ren) let the nurse know. Marion Co. Public Health will be here some time in October to administer these.
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Fight the Flu with a vaccine.
Information sheet and permission forms from Marion County on flu shots
Great effort by junior high boys at Seymour tonight!! Tied 32-32.
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Jr high football at Seymour
People of the Week awards were handed out during the K-12 Homecoming Pep Rally! JH Student of the Week: Maddie Wolfe, HS Student of the Week: Ethan Moen, Support Staff of the Week: Robin "Dottie" Kingery, Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Moore
over 2 years ago, Dave Roby
Twin Cedars has an immediate opening for a Custodian in our elementary building. This position is for evenings, Monday-Friday. If you have any questions or are interested in applying please contact Michael Lenger @ mlenger@twincedarscsd.org, or call (641) 944-5241 x288
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Athletic Events this week: 9/19- JH FB @ Seymour 4:30, JV FB @ Colo-Nesco 6:00 9/20- JH VB Home vs. Melcher 4:00, V-VB Tri. @ Lamoni 5:30 9/22- JH VB Home vs. Moravia 4:00, V/JV VB @ Moulton- Varsity first 5:30 9/23 V FB @ Melcher Let's go, Sabers!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Come get your Saber gear at the concession stand tonight!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Saber gear
The field looks great tonight for Homecoming 2022! Thanks to the grounds crew for all of their hard work to get ready!!Let's go Sabers!!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
HoCo 2022
Happy Homecoming!! TC football players are greeters this morning!!
over 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
football greeters
Plant and Soil Science had some hands on learning today! Students got dirty trying to determine soil types with soils from around the school campus!
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars FFA
Marissa feeling soil for grittiness
Dillon creating ribbons
Ethan with hands on learning
Jayden soil testing
Patriotic Day at the Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Red, White, Blue Day
Patriotic Day
Any Saber Screamer wishing to perform with the Cheerleaders for the Homecoming Parade should be at the Bussey park by 4:30. Parade is at 5:00.
over 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Wacky Wednesday was surprising for the Kindergarteners this morning! Mrs. Burk looked quite different today. :D
over 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Wacky Wednesday
The votes are in! Several lucky people got to kiss an animal at the annual Saber Games! A few of the winners included: Nurse Erin (new staff member), Mrs. Huston (students' choice), Kisha Reed (Queen candidate) and Kasey Clark (King candidate).
over 2 years ago, Dave Roby
Mrs. Huston kiss an animal
Nurse Erin kiss an animal
KR kiss an animal
KC kiss an animal