14 FFA members stayed awake all night with other members of the South Central FFA District on Friday night! They wrote letters to veterans, played games, learned to line dance, were hypnotized, and heard from a past National FFA Officer while connecting with nearby chapters!
about 2 years ago, Twin Cedars FFA
Learning to line dance
Writing letters to veterans
We survived the 8-8 Lock-in
Jayden playing 9 square at the 8-8 lock in
Get your Saber basketball gear here! https://upnstitchz.com/t/twincedarsbasketball
about 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
Morning Meetings in each classroom can include a variety of learning and fun: coding, coloring contest and card games!
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Coloring Contest
Great night watching Rachael and Kadyn perform in the Wizard of Oz. These girls are so talented!
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Wizard of Oz
The high school has an immediate opening for a high school associate. If you are interested in applying for the position, please contact Dave Roby at droby@twincedarscsd.org. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
People of the Week Winners! Junior High: Danny Vancenbrock, High School: Lyla Essick, Support Staff: Brad Hammann, Teacher: Mr. Naylor. Congrats to all!
about 2 years ago, Dave Roby
POTW 11/4
Congratulations to Rylee Dunkin! Rylee is a State Winner for the Wendy's High School Heisman. She earned a $1,000 scholarship and moves on to the next round!
about 2 years ago, Dave Roby
WHSH Rylee
Mark your calenders for this year's Coaches vs. Cancer game is on Friday, December 16 during the TC vs. Melcher basketball games. More info. to come! Here is the link to order shirts: https://twincedarscvc2022.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
about 2 years ago, Theresa Davis
coaches vs. cancer 2022
The Junior-Senior High was extra spooky yesterday! Mr. Roby held his annual costume contest! Winners were chosen from each grade. Aiyanna Alvarado was named the overall student winner and the staff winners were the Sanderson Sisters (Robin, Leann and Christy).
about 2 years ago, Dave Roby
grade winners halloween
overall student winner
overall staff winners
Twin Cedars Elementary Shirt Sales: Check-out the online store for all the options: https://tcelementary22.itemorder.com/ The store is open through November 20. Orders will be back before Christmas.
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
T-shirt Sales
Congratulations to October Elementary Students of the Month: Ivory Alvarado, Brandon Hensley, Chloe Mitchell, Brenden Goemaat, Paula Goemaat, Willem Grimes, Bria Bassett, Zoey Doebbler, Jonathan Thomas, Harper Laird, and Rebecca Root. Special shout-out to our Life-Saver, Bellah Mitchell! Bellah found adult help when she noticed a classmate choking.
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Students of the Month
The Building Trades class is taking orders for flower boxes. You can even customize the size. Price will be determined based on size. Orders due by November 22nd. Orders will be completed in time for Christmas! Proceeds will go to TC Industrial Education.
about 2 years ago, Twin Cedars CSD
Flower box flyer! $35 for a flower box 20W x 20L x 18H.  Proceeds go to TC Industrial Education.
Another strength clinic!
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Strength Cline
Construction and Building Trades classes have worked hard this year! It is challenging to take something old and turn it into something new. It was a great learning experience for them to figure out how to solve problems as they arose. The elementary will make great use of it!
about 2 years ago, Twin Cedars FFA
Greenhouse after
The shed before transformation
Mr. Bacus, Construction Trades class and Building Trades class repurposed a shed and made a greenhouse for the elementary classes to utilize. It's awesome!
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
Good times with some of the best students in the nation!!
about 2 years ago, Twin Cedars FFA
Joangel, Alli, Robert, Jocelyn, and Alivia with Mr. Roby
The Student Council Blood Drive was a SUCCESS! Pictured: Emma Dykstra and Glenda Carlson are all smiles as they help the group hit their goal of at least 20 donations!
about 2 years ago, Dave Roby
Student Council Blood Drive
Congratulations to the People of the Week! Junior High: Slater Thomas, High School: Elizabeth Stoops, Teacher: Mr. Verploegh, Support Staff: Leann Sanders
about 2 years ago, Dave Roby
POTW 10-28
The Cat in the Hat welcomed students onto his bus after school on Friday!
about 2 years ago, Dave Roby
Cat in the Hat
K-2 Red Ribbon Week Coloring Contest Winners
about 2 years ago, Kim Roby
2nd Grade RRW
1st Grade RRW
Kindergarten RRW